Which Pets Are Best Suited For Apartments?

Living in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the company of a furry friend. But with limited space, it’s crucial to find a pet that fits seamlessly into your apartment lifestyle. From low-energy pets that thrive in small spaces to those that require minimal exercise, finding the perfect four-legged companion for your cozy abode doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Let’s explore some of the best-suited pets for apartment living, ensuring you find the perfect match to share your home with.


Small Breeds

If you live in an apartment and have limited space, small dog breeds are a great choice for you. These dogs may be small in size, but they are big on personality and love. Some popular small breeds include Chihuahuas, Yorkshire Terriers, and French Bulldogs. These compact pups are easy to handle and don’t take up much space in your apartment. They are also generally more affordable in terms of food and grooming costs.

Low Energy Breeds

Living in an apartment often means limited outdoor space for your dog to run around. In this case, low energy breeds are ideal as they don’t require a lot of exercise. Some examples of low energy breeds include Bulldogs, Basset Hounds, and Pugs. These dogs are content with short walks and play sessions indoors. They are often described as couch potatoes and are perfectly happy snuggling up with you on the couch.

Quiet Breeds

Apartment living usually entails close proximity to neighbors, so having a quiet dog is essential. Some breeds are naturally calm and quiet, making them perfect for apartment dwellers. For instance, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Greyhounds, and Shih Tzus are known for their quiet nature. These breeds are less prone to excessive barking, ensuring a peaceful coexistence with your neighbors.

Hypoallergenic Breeds

If you or someone in your apartment is allergic to pets, hypoallergenic dog breeds can be a game-changer. These breeds have minimal shedding and produce fewer allergens, making them a suitable choice for individuals with allergies. Examples of hypoallergenic breeds include Poodles, Bichon Frises, and Maltese. They require regular grooming to keep their coats in top shape and minimize allergens.


Indoor Breeds

Living in an apartment often means limited outdoor space for your cat to roam. Indoor cat breeds are an excellent option for apartment living as they can thrive indoors without needing access to the outdoors. Some popular indoor cat breeds include Russian Blues, Maine Coons, and Ragdolls. These breeds are known for their adaptability to indoor environments and minimal desire to venture outside.

Low Maintenance Breeds

Apartment life can sometimes be hectic, and if you prefer a cat that requires minimal grooming and attention, low maintenance breeds are perfect for you. Breeds such as British Shorthairs, Chartreux, and American Shorthairs fall into this category. They have short coats that don’t require extensive grooming. Additionally, they tend to be independent and can entertain themselves when you’re busy.

Quiet Breeds

When living in close quarters with neighbors, having a quiet cat can make your apartment a more harmonious place. Quiet cat breeds are known for their reserved and less vocal nature. Examples include Scottish Folds, Persians, and Burmese cats. These breeds are less likely to meow excessively or engage in loud play, making them ideal for apartment living.

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No or Minimal Shedding Breeds

If you prefer to keep your apartment clean and free from excessive amounts of cat hair, no or minimal shedding cat breeds are worth considering. These breeds shed less, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. Some examples of hypoallergenic cat breeds are Sphynx, Devon Rex, and Siamese cats. It’s important to note that even hypoallergenic breeds require some grooming to maintain their skin health.


Small Species

For apartment dwellers with limited space, small species of fish are an ideal pet choice. These fish can thrive in smaller tanks and still provide a visually appealing experience. Examples of small fish species suitable for small tanks include Neon Tetras, Guppies, and Dwarf Gouramis. Their vibrant colors and graceful movements can bring a tranquil ambiance to your apartment.

Low Maintenance Species

If you lead a busy lifestyle or want a pet that requires minimal care and attention, low maintenance fish species are perfect for your apartment. Some fish species are hardy and can tolerate fluctuations in water conditions. Goldfish, Betta fish, and White Cloud Mountain Minnows are all low maintenance fish species. Regular feeding and occasional tank cleaning are usually the only requirements.

Quiet Species

If you value a peaceful environment in your apartment, quiet fish species that don’t generate unnecessary noise are worth considering. These species won’t disturb your neighbors with constant splashing or loud behaviors. Some quiet fish species include Cardinal Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, and Cherry Barb. These fish maintain a calm demeanor and exhibit minimal noise while swimming.

Minimal Space Requirement Species

When it comes to fish, not all species have the same space requirements. If you have limited space for a larger tank, certain fish species are better suited for smaller tanks. Species like Betta fish, Endler’s Livebearers, and Pygmy Cory Catfish have lesser space requirements and can thrive in compact tanks without compromising their health.


Small Birds with Low Noise Levels

If you live in an apartment building and want a feathered friend, small birds with low noise levels are an ideal choice. These birds won’t create disturbances with loud or constant vocalizations. Some examples include Budgerigars (commonly known as Budgies), Canaries, and Lovebirds. These birds are generally quieter and more suitable for apartment environments.

Non-destructive Species

Living in an apartment means considering the potential damage an energetic or destructive bird could cause. Non-destructive bird species are ideal because they don’t have a tendency to chew on furniture or other household items. Some non-destructive bird species include Cockatiels, Finches, and Parrotlets. These birds can keep you entertained without wreaking havoc on your apartment.

Low Maintenance Species

If you have a busy lifestyle or prefer a pet that requires minimal grooming and attention, low maintenance bird species are perfect for apartment living. Parakeets, Zebra Finches, and Canary birds fall into this category. These birds are relatively independent and don’t require extensive handling or constant social interaction.

Apartment-Friendly Species

Living in an apartment often means limited space and the need for a bird that can adapt well to close quarters. Apartment-friendly bird species are typically smaller in size and adaptable to indoor living. Some examples include Budgies, Cockatiels, and Lovebirds. These birds can thrive in smaller cages and still provide companionship and entertainment.

Small Mammals


Hamsters are a popular choice for apartment living due to their small size and low maintenance requirements. They are typically active in the evening and can be housed in a cage that fits comfortably in your living space. Syrian Hamsters and Dwarf Hamsters, such as Roborovskis and Winter Whites, are common hamster breeds.


Gerbils are another small mammal that is well-suited for apartment living. They are highly social creatures and thrive in pairs or small groups, making them ideal for providing companionship. Gerbils are active during the day, making them entertaining pets to watch. Mongolian Gerbils and Fat-tailed Gerbils are popular choices among gerbil enthusiasts.

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Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are gentle and sociable creatures that can make wonderful apartment pets. They are larger than hamsters and gerbils, so they require a slightly bigger cage. Guinea pigs should be kept in pairs to prevent loneliness, and they enjoy interaction with their owners. Abyssinian, Peruvian, and Teddy Guinea Pigs are common breeds with different coat types.


Rabbits can be excellent companions for apartment dwellers, particularly if you have the space for a larger enclosure to accommodate their needs. These furry creatures can be litter trained, making them less messy than other small mammals. Holland Lops, Mini Lops, and Lionhead rabbits are popular choices for apartment living due to their small size and friendly demeanor.



Geckos are a popular reptile choice for apartment living due to their small size and low maintenance requirements. They come in various species, such as Leopard Geckos, Crested Geckos, and Gargoyle Geckos. Geckos are primarily nocturnal and spend most of their time in their enclosures, making them suitable for the limited space of an apartment.


Tortoises are an intriguing reptile option for apartment dwellers who prefer a pet that requires minimal interaction. These gentle creatures can live for many years and do well in enclosures that can fit in your apartment. Some common tortoise species include Russian Tortoises, Hermann’s Tortoises, and Greek Tortoises.


For reptile enthusiasts looking for a low-maintenance pet, snakes can be an excellent fit for apartment living. Snakes require relatively simple setups and minimal interaction. Corn Snakes, Ball Pythons, and Milk Snakes are popular snake species for both beginners and experienced owners. It’s important to research the specific needs of each snake species before bringing one into your apartment.


Frogs can be fascinating amphibians to keep in an apartment, especially if you’re seeking a pet that doesn’t require extensive handling. Tree Frogs, African Dwarf Frogs, and Pacman Frogs are among the popular frog species kept as pets. They are relatively low maintenance and their enclosures can be set up in small spaces.



Frogs can be a unique and enjoyable pet choice for apartment dwellers who are interested in amphibians. With their interesting behaviors and distinct calls, keeping frogs can bring an exciting touch of nature to your living space. There are various frog species suitable for apartments, such as Red-eyed Tree Frogs, Green Tree Frogs, and White’s Tree Frogs.


Newts are aquatic creatures that can make interesting and low-maintenance pets for apartment living. These amphibians are typically found in water, so keeping them in a properly set up aquarium is essential. Fire-Bellied Newts, Eastern Newts, and Marbled Newts are common newt species that can thrive in an apartment environment.


Salamanders are another type of amphibian that can be kept in an apartment. These creatures come in various colorful and intriguing species. In order to provide a suitable habitat, salamanders require an enclosure with appropriate temperature and humidity levels. Some popular salamander species include Fire Salamanders, Tiger Salamanders, and Axolotls.


Toads can make for unique and low-maintenance pets in an apartment setting. They require simple setups with suitable habitats and access to water. Various toad species exist, including American Toads, Red-Spotted Toads, and Cane Toads. It’s important to research the specific needs of each species to ensure their well-being in your apartment.



Tarantulas can be an intriguing and low-maintenance pet choice for apartment dwellers who appreciate unconventional pets. These eight-legged creatures require minimal interaction and can be kept in specially designed terrariums. Mexican Redknee Tarantulas, Chilean Rose Tarantulas, and Pinktoe Tarantulas are common species available in the pet trade.

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Scorpions, though not for everyone, can add an exciting touch to your apartment pet collection. These arachnids have specific habitat requirements and should only be kept by experienced owners. Emperor Scorpions, Asian Forest Scorpions, and Desert Hairy Scorpions are some examples of scorpion species kept as pets.


Snails can be an interesting and low-maintenance addition to your apartment. These invertebrates don’t require much space and are easy to care for. Some popular snail species kept as pets are Mystery Snails, Apple Snails, and Ramshorn Snails. They can be housed in small aquariums or specialized snail setups.


While most people cringe at the thought of cockroaches, some species are actually kept as pets by enthusiasts. These cockroach species are typically cleaner and smaller than common household pests. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, Dubia Roaches, and Peppered Roaches are popular choices for those interested in the fascinating world of invertebrates.

Small Fish Tanks

Beta Fish

Beta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are a popular choice for small fish tanks in apartments. These vibrant and graceful fish can thrive in minimal space, such as a small aquarium or even a stylish fish bowl. It’s important to keep male Betta fish separate from each other to prevent aggression.


Guppies are colorful and lively fish that can brighten up your apartment space. They are relatively small and can easily adapt to smaller tanks. One of the advantages of keeping guppies is their ability to breed easily, providing a constant source of interest and new additions to your tank.


Tetras are a popular choice for small fish tanks due to their small size and schooling nature. These peaceful fish come in various species, such as Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, and Ember Tetras. They add a vibrant pop of color to your tank and flourish in a well-maintained small aquarium.


Goldfish are a classic choice for small fish tanks, providing a touch of elegance to your apartment. While they do require slightly larger tanks than the previously mentioned small fish species, they can still thrive in appropriately sized aquariums. Goldfish come in different varieties, including the iconic Common Goldfish and the fancy Oranda Goldfish.

Exotic Pets

Sugar Gliders

Sugar gliders are small and social marsupials that can be kept as exotic pets in apartments with the proper care. These tiny creatures require special attention to their diet, habitat, and social needs. Sugar gliders are highly active at night and require stimulation and interaction with their owners.


Hedgehogs are intriguing, spiky creatures that have gained popularity as exotic pets. With their distinctive appearance and relatively low-maintenance requirements, hedgehogs can be suitable pets for apartment dwellers. They do require proper understanding of their unique dietary and environmental needs to ensure their well-being.

Miniature Pigs

Miniature pigs, also known as teacup pigs or micro pigs, are small pigs bred to be companion animals. While they might seem like an unusual choice for an apartment pet, miniature pigs can adapt well to indoor living as long as they have sufficient space, a balanced diet, and regular exercise.

Fennec Foxes

Fennec foxes are small desert foxes known for their large ears and playful nature. They are increasingly popular as exotic pets, though they require special care and attention. Fennec foxes have specific dietary and habitat requirements and must be legal to own in your local area before considering them as apartment pets.

In conclusion, when it comes to choosing a pet for your apartment, there are many options available depending on your preferences and living conditions. Whether you prefer a small and low-maintenance companion like a hamster or a more exotic choice like a fennec fox, there is a pet out there that can fit perfectly into your apartment lifestyle. Remember to consider space requirements, noise levels, and the specific needs of each species before making your decision. With the right choice, you can bring joy, companionship, and a touch of nature to your apartment.